Thursday, May 20, 2010

Self-Centered & Calendar news

This is was done for my cousin Erin who runs Self Centered Wellness, a holistic wellness practice in Hollywood, California. It will be used on her business cards, flyers and other various promotional material. This is the second illustration I've done for her and probably my favorite of the two.

Well, I've certainly been busy the past couple of weeks, Along with this project, I've been asked by the Gainesville Roller Rebels to do 3 more roller derby bout poster, and pleasantly informed that they are going to be shooting photos of various derby girls recreating all of the posters designed from this season in real life pinup girl style. Awesome can't wait to see it!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Beachside Caricature

Here's another caricature I did at my day job. A coworker is retiring after 44 years and I was asked to do this as a gift. They wanted to combine her current photo with her hairdo from her early years of employment, plus combine her hobbies and her love for the beach.