Monday, August 22, 2005

Illustration Friday - Reflection

This week for some reason I had a really hard time coming up with an idea. My first idea was of a child looking at himself in a puddle, but after looking at some of the other entries I realized that alot of other people had the same idea and I didn't want to be lame and copy them. So I scrapped it. I then remembered a photo that I had taken for the local newspaper I work for, and it had everything that I was looking to capture in this weeks illustration. This is a drawing of a mill viewed from underneath the bridge in downtown Kent, Ohio. This is kind of a departure for me I usually only use people as a subject, but I thought I would try a scenic view this week. Your comments are more than welcome. Enjoy.


vfm4 said...

oh, WOW!

carla said...

This was a good choice! I love the composition of this piece; the view through the underside of the bridge is especially nice. There's something a bit sad and lonely about the mill above the river...with no people if its old and no longer in operation. But..that's its charm, at least for me. What really beautifully done illustration:>

JacqueLynn said...

This is a wonderful sketch. The feel of it is really nice.

elegraph said...

really nice!

Mick said...

This is an excellent drawing. I like it very much!

Carolyn said...

This is beautiful! I think that sometimes, when we do something that's not exactly our signature style, we end up doing something fresh and suprsingly wonderful!

atomicvelvetsigh said...

ohh wow!! your illustration is so great! wish i could draw like that 8)

Anonymous said...

This looks beautiful. I love the different shades of grey, and the strong reflection in the water.


constanthing said...

Great sketch and composition :-) said...

OHH I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!! look beautiful!!!!!!is a EXCELLENT drawing!!!!! ;-)