Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Illustration Friday - Fresh

Okay so it's been a busy week and I finally had time to sit down for a bit and draw something. I had a more grand image in my head for this but time constraints dictated otherwise. at first I didn't have a clue what I was going to illustrate. Then it came to me. The coffee where I work can be a scary thing. Sometimes it is so far from fresh because it's been heated all weekend that it's just sludge. After several gross encounters I won't touch the stuff anymore. So I realized that every weekday morning I go out of my way to get a FRESH cup of Joe somewhere else. Thus, the idea for an illustration of coffee in a cup came to me. Ta-Da!

On a side note, I want to thank everyone for all of the really great comments that I've received. Frankly I was in a slump and couldn't draw much of anything in the last year or so, until I started participating in Illustration Friday. All of your positive comments have given me the boost I needed to start drawing and being more creative & productive. THANK YOU! Also I would like to thank my beautiful and talented girlfriend Jenna for all of her support & understanding. I LOVE YOU!


Anonymous said...

Great woodblock look to your piece! And I'm liking the almost Arabic steam swirls - nice touch. Great!

Unknown said...

What's better than a cup of fresh coffee!!! I like your technique you have been doins of black and white ink drawing and then colored with the computer. It gives the computer a life form.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I didn't realize that the steam was spelling out Fresh right away. I should pay more attention. lol Nice coloring on it too.

Unknown said...

I love getting up real early and make coffee and just sit have my first cup without rushing.
yep I can smell that cup of java you made
So glad you are drawing again. IF has really helped me also

Ellen said...

I can just smell it! GREAT job!

Lockjaw said...

Hi Seth, I thought I'd stop by and check out your stuff. I like what I see, that comic book style really shows through.
As for coffee, I've been off it for several months now and switched onto Green tea, much more refreshing don'tcha know ;)

carla said...

I like this very much...simple, graphic, wonderful detail on the surface of the coffee. I like the use of color as well; the blue is a fresh color for a coffee illustration.

Alison Ashwell said...

Lovely combination of design and illurtation - excellent