Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Illustration Friday - Broken

My entry this week illustrates that specific feeling when you've just had enough. That moment when something clicks and you do something drastic, like blow up at a coworker or boss, or just plain walk out. For me, I've had enough of my current job. More and more often I feel like my job as a newspaper graphic designer (a no respect job if there ever was one) is going to drive me crazy. The combination of stress, ridiculously tight deadlines, and mismanagement culminates into a tornado of pressure. For those who are interested I will share my master plan....I would like to find a decently respectable full time graphic design position in an urban area, so that I will be closer to more possible clients for my little side project...Freelance Illustration. Then eventually I will have so many happy clients of my illustrations that I won't need to deal with office politics any more, and I can quit design to start a lucrative full time career as a Freelance Illustrator. Ta Da! And there you have it. As always let me know what you think. I really appreciate the support!


Amy Zaleski said...

Boy, I think we've all been there...I think it's the mismanagement that's the worst. You definitely have the right goal and the talent to make it as a freelancer, which isn't always glamorous, but I wouldn't trade it for a full-time job ever again. Good luck and keep the IF posts coming, I think it's a great way to get your work out there!!

The Unknown said...

Great pic! I love it! Now cool off man. :-)

Unknown said...

You do wonderful work so don't ever doubt yourself.
Keep telling yourself it is going to happen someday.
And keep posting to IF

Anonymous said...

Hey...been there.
Don't give up, dude. You've got great talent. Keep doing what you know to do...it'll happen.

Todd DeWolf said...

Your work is excellent! Hope your gradual escape goes well. You are doing great stuff. IF is a great way to stay creative. Keep it up.

Corrine said...


Anonymous said...

I think you deserve what you want and you WILL get there! Great image - can feel that breaking point from it loud and clear. The glass looks extra splintery and his face is full of pain!!

Anthony Woodward said...

Great idea! Count me in ;)

fortwertz said...

Neat how this frost-bitten guy compliments so well the Flame Punk! I know what you're saying about stress, but teaching art leaves me enjoy the media, instead of the stresses of working with adults...maybe you'd wanna go that direction????

carla said...

Your illusrtaions are always wonderful, Seth... and I really know how you feel. I have actually resorted to playing the lottery in the absurd hope that i will hit it rich and then be able to follow my muse without ending up in the poorhouse. Well, you have talent and you have drive...set your plan in motion. You can make it happen:>

Jaimie said...

Really well done illustration. I love the cracked glass effect.

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

I am right there with you, all the best in your quest!

Unknown said...

Nice illo!

Ange said...

Your artwork is wonderful. Keep at it!

Love your illo, especially the shattered effect!

Anonymous said...

Nice illustration. I'm sure you'll work out your job situation. Good luck.

flossy-p said...

Penelope is a brilliant testament to that exact plan! Try it. Then let me know if it works, I might give it a go ;)

Great illo, I can relate.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I was a screenprint artist (t-shirts) for like the first 6 years of my career, and it was often the pits. Bad pay, quick deadlines, and office mismanagement. I hear you. It's inspired me to do something beyond the 9-to-5 myself. You've got some cool art here, keep up the good work.