Thursday, August 24, 2006

Illustration Friday: perfect (MATCH) or "Tough Love" PT2

FOOLED YOU!!! Okay so no new illustration just wanted to spend some extra time finishing last weeks. I know it's lame to post under this weeks topic, but I want to know what people think of the color. Here's another look at some of the details...

Well, here is my post for this week. As you can see it's not yet complete, but I wanted to get it posted while I could. Because I feel like I've been rushing through the Illustration Friday entries the last couple of times and I'm not spending enough time on the color. So check back soon to see the full color version soon!

Ok, I just realized I forgot to link to a static page...Penelope is gonna be mad!!!! Sorry!!!


Anonymous said...

I love it! It's a match made in the ring! But seriously I'll always love your work and I'm your # 1 FAN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This illustration tells me that you are having problems in your personal life with your girlfriend. I can tell it in the theme (obviously), but also in the texture and the simplicity of the illustration. You say you have been rushed, and it shows. However, I applaud your effort and hope that you can work things out with your better half on building a strong relationship.

Allan Lorde said...

That is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

amazing work and i like the title of your blog.

Anonymous said...

amazing work and i like the title of your blog.

Amy Zaleski said...

Great job, Seth! I'm amazed at the satiny texture you achieved on her gown. It's nice to see you back on Illustration Friday. I can tell your work just gets better and better.